Progestelle Progesterone Oil Order Now!
by Eckhart, MD
NO Estrogenic Herbs, No Estrogenic Preservatives, NO Toxic Emulsifiers
Order your Progestelle Progesterone Oil now! I believe that Progestelle is superior to run of the mill Progesterone creams because it does NOT have estrogenic herbs, toxic emulsifiers, and estrogenic preservatives.
Glass bottles NOT Cheap Plastic Jars and Bottles
Secondly, Progestelle Progesterone Oil is packed in Glass. So many of our competitors are using cheap plastic bottles to save on product costs and shipping. Well, I do NOT. Plastic can outgass and have estrogenic compounds that outgass into the progesterone cream. Bad News. In fact, Canada has just banned one type of plastic bottle known to contain Bisphenol-A, BPA. BPA is a proven "estrogen-like" chemical, a xenoestrogen. Sorry, I do NOT believe in cutting corners.
I want my patients to be in good health. Otherwise, what is the point? Some Plastic Containers outgass into the Progesterone Cream. I don't use plastic.